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How To Know If Someone Blocked You On Telegram: The Ultimate Guide

How To Know If Someone Blocked You On Telegram How To Know If Someone Blocked You On Telegram

Are you wondering if someone has blocked you on Telegram? While there is no foolproof method to confirm this, there are several signs that can indicate whether you have been blocked or not. In this article, we will discuss these signs to help you determine if someone has blocked you on Telegram.

Last Seen Status

One of the first signs that someone has blocked you on Telegram is the absence of their last seen status. Normally, when you open a conversation with someone, you can see their last seen time, indicating when they were last active on the platform. However, if you have been blocked, their last seen status will not appear, leaving you wondering when they were last online.

How To Know If Someone Blocked You On Telegram: The Ultimate Guide


How To Know If Someone Blocked You On Telegram: The Ultimate Guide


Profile Picture

If you have been blocked on Telegram, you will no longer be able to see the other person’s profile picture. When you visit their profile, it will appear as if they have not posted any profile pictures. This can be a strong indication that they have blocked you.

Message Delivery

Another sign that someone has blocked you on Telegram is if your messages are not being delivered. Normally, when you send a message to someone, you will see a single checkmark indicating that it has been sent, and a double checkmark when it has been delivered. However, if your messages are not being delivered for a prolonged period, it could mean that you have been blocked.

Unavailability to Call

If you were able to make voice or video calls with someone on Telegram, but suddenly you find that you can no longer do so, it may be a sign that they have blocked you. When someone blocks you, they prevent you from contacting them through any means, including voice and video calls.

Activity Status

Another way to check if someone has blocked you on Telegram is to look at their activity status. If their status has been set to “Online” and suddenly it no longer appears when they enter the platform, it could indicate that they have blocked you. However, keep in mind that this method may not always be accurate, as users can modify their privacy settings to hide their activity status from certain contacts.

Frequently Asked Questions On How To Know If Someone Blocked You On Telegram: The Ultimate Guide

How Can I Know If Someone Blocked Me On Telegram?

If someone blocks you on Telegram, their status will not appear, and the “online” status will not show when they enter the platform. Additionally, you will no longer be able to see their last seen status or profile picture. There is no foolproof method to know if someone has blocked you, but these indicators suggest that you may have been blocked.

What Do People See When You Block Them On Telegram?

When you block someone on Telegram, they won’t be able to see your last online status or your profile picture. Instead, they will see the message “last seen a long time ago” and your profile picture will appear blank.

Can I See The Last Seen Of Someone I Blocked On Telegram?

If you have blocked someone on Telegram, you will not be able to see their last seen status. They will also not be able to see your last seen status or your profile picture.


While there is no definitive way to know if someone has blocked you on Telegram, these signs can help you make an educated guess. If you experience the absence of last seen status, profile picture, message delivery, and the inability to make calls, it is likely that you have been blocked. However, it is always a good idea to confirm with the other person directly or through other means.

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