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How To See The First Message On Whatsapp Without Scrolling: Quick Hack!

How To See The First Message On Whatsapp Without Scrolling How To See The First Message On Whatsapp Without Scrolling

Have you ever wished to quickly see the first message on WhatsApp without scrolling through numerous conversations? It can be cumbersome to scroll up and search for that first message, especially if the chat history is lengthy. Fortunately, there are a few methods you can use to jump straight to the top of a WhatsApp conversation. In this article, we will explore some techniques to help you see the first message without scrolling.

Method 1: Swipe Up on the Chat

If you are using an iPhone or an Android device, you can simply swipe up from the bottom of the screen while in the chat, revealing the chat history. Keep swiping up until you reach the top of the chat, where the first message is located. This is a quick and easy way to navigate to the beginning of the conversation.

Method 2: Jump to a Specific Date

If you are looking for a specific message from a certain date, WhatsApp provides a feature that allows you to jump to a specific date and see the corresponding messages. Tap on the calendar icon located in the top-right corner of the search bar. Select the month and year you want to scroll back to, and then tap “Jump to date.” WhatsApp will then return you to the specific messages from the chosen date.

Method 3: Use the Search Function

If you remember any keywords or phrases from the first message, you can utilize the search function in WhatsApp to quickly find it. Tap on the search bar within the chat, type in the keywords or phrases, and WhatsApp will display the relevant messages. This method is especially useful if you don’t want to manually scroll through the entire chat.

Method 4: Check the Media Section

If the conversation contains media files such as photos or videos, you can navigate to the media section and scroll it to the very first media file. By doing so, you will be able to access the first message without having to scroll through the entire chat. This method is convenient if you know that the first message includes a media file.

How To See The First Message On Whatsapp Without Scrolling: Quick Hack!


The Bottom Line

As you can see, there are multiple ways to see the first message on WhatsApp without scrolling. Whether you choose to swipe up, jump to a specific date, use the search function, or check the media section, these methods will help you save time and quickly access the desired message. Feel free to try out each method and see which one works best for you!

How To See The First Message On Whatsapp Without Scrolling: Quick Hack!



Frequently Asked Questions On How To See The First Message On Whatsapp Without Scrolling: Quick Hack!

How Do I Go To My First Message On Whatsapp?

To go to your first message on WhatsApp, open the app on your mobile device. Find the chat you want to view from the beginning. Swipe up from the bottom of the screen until you reach the top of the chat where the first message is located.

How Can I See Old Whatsapp Messages Fast?

To see old WhatsApp messages fast, open the WhatsApp app and go to the chat you want to view. Swipe up from the bottom of the screen to reveal the chat history. Keep swiping up until you reach the top of the chat where the first message is located.

You can also use the search bar to jump to specific dates or restore chat history through the backup feature.

How Do I Jump To A Specific Date On Whatsapp?

To jump to a specific date on WhatsApp, open the app and go to the chat you want to view. Swipe up from the bottom of the screen to reveal the chat history. Keep swiping up until you reach the top of the chat, where the first message is located.

Tap on the calendar icon in the top-right corner of the search bar to select the month and year you want to scroll back to. Then, tap “Jump to date” to return to the specific messages from that chosen date.

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